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Hyperspacing the Verb: The interplay between prosody, morphology and semantics in the Western South Slavic verbal domain

This is the Wiki page for the project Hyperspacing the Verb: The interplay between prosody, morphology and semantics in the Western South Slavic verbal domain, a joint project of University of Graz and University of Nova Gorica.

Central questions

- How are verbs represented? Where does the information on prosody, theme vowels and different bases reside?
- Are the observed interdependencies (prosody-semantics-morphology) better analysed in a lexicalist (e.g. Optimal Paradigms, McCarthy 2005) or in a non-lexicalist approach (e.g. Distributed Morphology, Halle & Marantz 1993)?
- Is prosodic prominence of derivational affixes specified in the lexicon or structurally assigned?
- What is an adequate representation for verbal aspect?
- How do category-mixing morphological operations (forming participles, nominalisations) map on the continuum between prototypical inflection and derivation?
- How are loan verbs morphologically incorporated?
- Are homonymous affixes (WSS: -je, -en, -n, -l) better analysed as the same suffix and what are the theoretical consequences of this move?

eng/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/16 11:32 by lanko