Table of Contents


Here you can find the papers we have written and all the talks we have given on topics related to our project.


Organized by year.


Arsenijević, Boban. 2020. Deverbal nouns in -ie and their variation across the South Slavic area. Linguistica 60(1). 7–29.

Mišmaš, Petra, Marko Simonović, Boban Arsenijević, Stefan Milosavljević, Agnieszka Będkowska-Kopczyk, Petya Rogić, Svitlana Antonyuk-Yudina. 2020. Plavanje da, zaplavanje ne? Obrazilo -je v glagolnikih in drugih okoljih v vseslovanskem kontekstu. V Šekli, Matej in Lidija Rezoničnik (ur.) Slovenski jezik in književnost v srednjeevropskem prostoru. (Slovenski slavistični kongres, Gradec/Graz in Maribor, 1.–3. oktober, 8.-9. oktober 2020), (Zbornik Slavističnega društva Slovenije, 30). Ljubljana: Zveza društev Slavistično društvo Slovenije. 221–231. Available here

Simonović, Marko. 2020. Categories, root complexes and default stress: Slovenian nominalizations revisited. Linguistica 60.1. 103-117 DOI:

Simonović, Marko and Boban Arsenijević. 2020. Syntax predicts prosody: Multi-purpose morphemes in Serbo-Croatian. In Marušič, Franc, Petra Mišmaš and Rok Žaucer (eds.). Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2017, 277–304. Berlin: Language Science Press. Pdf here

Simonović, Marko and René Kager. 2020. Serbo-Croatian is developing stem-based prosody. Why so?. In Marušič, Franc, Petra Mišmaš and Rok Žaucer (eds.). Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2017, 305–322. Berlin: Language Science Press. Pdf here

Simonović, Marko and Petra Mišmaš. 2020. √ov is in the air: The extreme multifunctionality of the Slovenian affix ov. Linguistica 60.1. DOI:


Simonović, Marko. 2021. Od kod imejo? Kaj nam začetniška napaka v slovenščini pove o strukturi glagola v srbohrvaščini. Slovenika VII, 75-84. DOI:


Arsenijević, Boban and Stefan Milosavljević. 2022. The pronoun sam 'self' in Serbo-Croatian and Binding Theory. In B. Mišić Ilić & V. Lopičić (eds.), Language, Literature, Alternatives, Niš: University of Niš, 57-66. doi:

Milosavljević, Stefan. 2022. The delimitative prefix po-, durative adverbials and Slavic aspectual composition. In Annie Holtz, Iva Kovač & Rasmus Puggaard-Rode (eds.), Proceedings of ConSOLE XXX, 17-42. Leiden: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.

Milosavljević, Aleksandra and Stefan Milosavljević. 2022. The intensifying accusative clitic ga ‘it’ in Serbian: from syntax to pragmatics. In Annie Holtz, Iva Kovač & Rasmus Puggaard-Rode (eds.), Proceedings of ConSOLE XXX, 63-88. Leiden: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.

Milosavljević, Stefan and Boban Arsenijević. 2022. What differentiates Serbo-Croatian verbal theme vowels: content or markedness?, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7(1). doi:

Simonović, Marko and Petra Mišmaš. 2022. Lowest theme vowels or highest roots? An 'unaccusative' theme-vowel class in Slovenian. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7(1). doi:

Mišmaš , Petra and Simonović, Marko. 2022. Netožilniški glagoli, tematski vokali in slovenščina. In Gjoko Nikolovski and Natalija Ulčnik (eds.). Slavistična prepletanja 1. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 21-36. DOI:

Simonović, Marko and René Kager. accepted. Avoiding stress on non-lexical material in nouns and verbs: Predictable verb prosody in Serbo-Croatian stress standard varieties“. Accepted for publication in  Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences (LING).

Simonović, Marko. 2022. Derivational Affixes as Roots Across Categories. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 30(2), 195-233.

Simonović, Marko. 2022. Neo-Štokavian deverbal je-nominalisations contain passive participles. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, vol. 30, no. FASL 29 extra issue, Oct. 2022, pp. 1-13,


Simonović, Marko in Petra Mišmaš. 2023. Theme-vowel class indeterminacy and root allomorphy in Slovenian. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1). pp. 1–38. DOI:

Arsenijević, Boban. 2023. Specification of telicity in Serbo-Croatian, without null prefixes. In: Petr Biskup, Marcel Börner (né Guhl), Olav Mueller-Reichau, Iuliia Shcherbina (Eds.), Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2021, 1-38. Berlin: Language Science Press.

Simonović, Marko and Petra Mišmaš. 2023. The interaction between theme vowels and secondary imperfectives in Slovenian: The curious case of ava and eva. Journal of Slavic Linguistics. 31/FASL 30 issue. 1-21.

Petra Mišmaš in Simonović, Marko. 2023. Dozoreti, dozorevati; izgoreti, izgorevati … o sekundarnih nedovršnikih netožilniških glagolov v slovenščini. Danila Zuljan Kumar in Helena Dobrovoljc (ur.), Škrabčevi dnevi 12. Zbornik prispevkov s simpozija 2021. Nova Gorica: Založba Univerze v Novi Gorici. 11–22.

Simonović, Marko, Stefan Milosavljević & Boban Arsenijević. 2023. Serbo-Croatian secondary imperfectivisers consist of theme vowels. Journal of Slavic linguistics, vol. 31, no. FASL 30 issue, Dec. 2023, pp. 1-27,


Organized by year.


Simonović, Marko and Petra Mišmaš. 2020. En ali več morfem-ov? Lingvistični krožek, Filozofska fakulteta UL, Ljubljana. February 17, 2020.

Simonović, Marko and Petra Mišmaš. 2020. Slovenian verbs: Structure, stress and allomorphy. Linguistics Seminar at the Department of Linguistics (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Online, October 12, 2020.

Simonović, Marko and Petra Mišmaš. 2020. Think globally, act locally (poster). SinFonIJA 13. Took place remotely, September 24-26, 2020.

Simonović, Marko and Petra Mišmaš. 2021. Verb wasn't built in a cycle (it was built in two). With Marko Simonović. Slavic Linguistics Society, 15th annual meeting. Took place remotely. September 4-6, 2020.

Arsenijević, Boban. 2020. How arbitrary/deterministic is the thematic vowel assignment? Quantitative insights from Serbo-Croatian (joint work with Marko Simonović, Petra Mišmaš, Stefan Milosavljević, Jelena Simić, Lanko Marušič, Rok Žaucer), HU Berlin: Slavic Linguistics Colloquium, November 25, 2020.


Arsenijević, Boban & Stefan Milosavljević. 2021. Serbo-Croatian theme vowels carry functional features. Talk presented at Theme vowels in V(P) structure (and beyond). University of Graz, April 22-23. Abstract & slides here.

Arsenijević, Boban & Stefan Milosavljević. 2021. Zamenica sam u srpskom jeziku i teorija vezivanja [The pronoun sam ‘self’ in Serbian and Binding theory]. Talk presented at Language, Literature, Alternatives. University of Niš, April 15-16.

Kovačević, Predrag, Stefan Milosavljević & Marko Simonović. 2021. Theme-vowel minimal pairs show argument-structure alternations. Talk presented at Theme vowels in V(P) structure (and beyond). University of Graz, April 22-23. Abstract & slides here.

Milosavljević, Stefan. 2021. Combining aspectual for- and in-adverbials in Serbo-Croatian (and beyond), the 14th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-14). University of Leipzig, June 2-5. Pdf of the abstract here.

Milosavljević, Stefan. 2021. Lexical and functional cloning in Serbo-Croatian. Talk presented at the International conference Slavic Studies Today: Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures in the European Context; the thematic section: Internationalisms in Slavic as a window into the architecture of grammar. University of Graz, February 24-26. Abstract & slides here.

Milosavljević, Stefan. 2021. The delimitative prefix po- and Slavic aspectual composition, Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS-16). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 3-5. Pdf of abstract & slides here.

Milosavljević, Stefan & Aleksandra Milosavljević. 2021. Manner/result complementarity and the unselected accusative clitic ga ‘it’ in Serbian. Talk presented at Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL). California State University, November 13-14. Pdf of the abstract here.

Milosavljević, Stefan, Marko Simonović, Boban Arsenijević, Petra Mišmaš, Lanko Marušič & Rok Žaucer. 2021. Do Slavic secondary imperfectives contain multiple theme vowels?, Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 30. MIT, May 13-16. Abstract & slides here.

Mišmaš, Petra and Marko Simonović. 2021. Dozoreti, obogateti, izgoreti … o netožilniških glagolih v slovenščini. Škrabčevi dnevi 12, 8. oktober 2021.

Mišmaš, Petra and Marko Simonović. 2021.Roots pretending to be theme vowels: e/i in Slovenian. Theme vowels in V(P) structure and beyond. University of Graz (online), April 22-23, 2021. Abstract & slides here.

Mišmaš, Petra and Marko Simonović. 2021. Netožilniški glagoli, tematski vokali in slovenščina v okviru razpršene morfologije. Slavistični znanstveni premisleki: Izzivi slavistike v 21. stoletju. Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru (na spletu), 13. do 15. maj 2021.Abstract here.

Mišmaš, Petra and Marko Simonović. 2021. Why kl~kolj, br~ber, v~ved, but never kl~br or kolj~ber? Restrictions on the phonological shape of root allomorphs in Slovenian. 18th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP), University of the Balearic Islands. January 29, 2021.

Simonović, Marko and Petra Mišmaš. 2021. Two verbal cycles: Stress, theme vowels and root allomorphy. 14th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 14 ). Leipzig University, June 2-4, 2021.Slides here.

Simonović, Marko and Petra Mišmaš. 2021. We thought it was special, but it’s not: (Non-)Local allomorphy in Slovenian. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium (Olinco 5). Olomouc, Czech Republic (online), June 10–12, 2021.

Simonović, Marko and Petra Mišmaš. 2021. What Slovenian unaccusatives tell us about theme vowels (poster presentation). Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 30). Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT; held online), May 13-16, 2021.


Milosavljević, Stefan. 2022. The delimitative prefix po-, durative adverbials and Slavic aspectual composition. Talk presented at ConSOLE 30. Université de Nantes, January 25-27. Abstract & slides here.

Milosavljević, Aleksandra & Stefan Milosavljević. 2022. The intensifying accusative clitic ga ‘it’ in Serbian: from syntax to pragmatics. Talk presented at ConSOLE 30. Université de Nantes, January 25-27. Abstract & slides here.

Simonović, Marko. 2022. Feature Affixation and Theme Vowel Exponents in Fiuman and Triestin. Invited talk at Jezik and Linguistics Colloquia. University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 16 June.

Simonović, Marko. Floating features and theme vowel exponents in Fiuman. Invited talk at Seminari di linguistica. University of Padua, Italy, 28 September.

Arsenijević,Boban, Katarina Gomboc Čeh, Lanko Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, Marko Simonović, Stefan Milosavljević and Rok Žaucer. 2022. Licensing deverbal -lac/-lec nominalizations in Western South Slavic. Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis 15 (Sinfonija), University of Udine (Italy), September 22-24, 2022.

Milosavljević, Aleksandra & Stefan Milosavljević. 2022. The switched-situation dative pronominal in Serbian. Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis 15 (Sinfonija), University of Udine (Italy), September 22-24, 2022 (poster presentation).

Marušič, Lanko, Petra Mišmaš and Rok Žaucer. 2022. Lexical prefixes don’t stack. And when they do? Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis 15 (Sinfonija), University of Udine (Italy), September 22-24, 2022.

Arsenijević, Boban, Katarina Gomboc Čeh, Lanko Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, Stefan Milosavljević and Rok Žaucer. 2022. Explaining the quantitative distribution of deverbal -lac/-lec nominalizations in Western South Slavic. FDSL-15: Formal Description of Slavic Languages 15, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, October 5-7, 2022.

Marušič, Lanko, Petra Mišmaš and Rok Žaucer. 2022. The (un)expectedly stacked prefixes in Slovenian. FDSL-15: Formal Description of Slavic Languages 15, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, October 5-7, 2022.

Štarkl, Ema, Marko Simonović, Stefan Milosavljević & Boban Arsenijević. nV/ne is a diminutive affix plus a theme vowel. 2022. FDSL-15: Formal Description of Slavic Languages 15, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, October 5-7, 2022. Slides available here

Simonović, Marko. 2022. Root allomorphy treatment: How René made lexical storage of allomorphs cool again. Presented at René Kager’s goodbye workshop. Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 14, 2022. .

Simonović, Marko, Stefan Milosavljević & Boban Arsenijević. We so Slav! Quantifying lexical level properties of Western South Slavic verbs. Linguistisches Kolloquium, University of Graz, November 15, 2022.

Stojković, Jelena and Marko Simonović. There are three theme vowels in BCS and /a/ is not one of them: arguments from the 3PL.PRS allomorphy. Invited talk at Slavic Linguistics Webinars. University of Verona, Italy, December 22, 2022.


Marušič, Franc; et al., 2022, Database of the Western South Slavic Verb HyperVerb 1.0, Slovenian language resource repository CLARIN.SI,

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